Over the past twenty-five years, Ron Anderson has created a vast body of 3D mixed media sculptures. A few years ago he honed his painting skills and took his sculpture in a new direction. The resulting genre, which he calls “3D paintings”, has garnered him both recognition and awards.

“Art is the one thing in the world where there is total freedom. There are no rules, no regulations, no authorities, no one telling you what you can or cannot do. As a result, my philosophy is that I have complete creative freedom. I can dream what I want and bring it to reality and share it with others. There is an infinity of creative possibilities waiting to be explored.

"My purpose is to uplift people, show them possibilities of creativity, create a conversation and allow the viewer to tell his own story about the work.” Ron Anderson

Anderson has created custom artwork for the Disney Galleries, the Beach Boys and the City of Santa Barbara. His sculpture was showcased in Architectural Digest and Surfer’s Journal and he has created artwork for a variety of public venues. His clients include the mayors of Sausalito, Beverly Hills and Carpinteria, the founders of Patagonia, Volcom, and The Beach House, the editors of Smoke Magazine and Surfers Journal, corporate CEOs, celebrities and collectors around the world.

